Latest Fishing News and Tweets

Latest From Albury

Updated 4th July

Some sad news, unfortunately Niki who runs the cafe at Weston is sadly leaving us at the end of this week. Niki has been a real asset to the fishery over the last two years and will be sadly missed by all of us. Unfortunately from next week (starting 10th June) the cafe will be closed while we search for someone to run it. If anyone knows of anyone who may be interested in this please email me at [email protected]. In the meantime please just turn up and start fishing and the bailiff will see you on the bank but please remember to pay online before fishing.

We have been really lucky this summer with lower than average temperatures and some rain which has really helped the fishing and as a result just over 150 fish were caught last week. With some warmer weather on its way the best advice would be to concentrate your fishing early morning and late evenings. The water temperatures are now creeping up and the fish are becoming slightly more trickier to catch, so the best thing to do is scale down your tippet strength to maybe 4lb and fish smaller natural patterns. The late evenings can offer some of the best fishing at this time of year with 8pm to 9.30pm being really good. Remember as well as day membership we do run an evening membership (£12.50) which starts at 4pm until dusk.

The carp fishing has really picked up in the warm weather with the fish being happy to come up to the surface to feed which has meant that anglers have taken fish on dig biscuit imitations.

Some stunning brown trout have been caught with the biggest being 12lb 8oz and smallest 10lb 8oz. Now the weather is warming up (slightly) the fish are really feeding on naturals such as buzzers and small nymphs.

Above Rodney Dacomb with an 11lb 8oz Brown

Above Gordon Hunter with a 10lb 8oz brown.

Above, Steve Novak with a 12lb 8oz brown.

Garwyn (pic above) caught this stunning 8lb brown trout on a black and green lure.

Natural patterns such as buzzers and small nymphs have outfished lures, especially on the warmer days or busy days when fish have been pounded with big lures.

Weston fishery will be closed on the following dates – 13th May, 17th May, 3rd June, 1st July and 25th August. Vale End and Powdermills will still be open on these dates.

Season rods and fish tokens for 2024/25 season are now available to purchase online. A season rod offers fantastic value for money and has many benefits outlined below. Season rods can have unlimited visits to Weston, Vale end, Syon park and season rod only water Powdermills which is often less busy than the day ticket waters. This includes unlimited visits to our fly only carp lake at Weston and catch and release fishing on our river beats during the river season. Season rods can also buy tokens in larger quantities which reduces the cost per token. Season rods may also bring a guest that has valid day membership and they can use your tokens. Please note that next years fish tokens will not be available until April 1st 2024.

An exciting change to the rules next season is that we will allow catch and release fishing on the river beats at Weston, Vale End and Powdermills. This will only be for the duration of the river season from 1st April until 30th September. Anglers must have day or season membership and be in possession of fish tokens, you cannot fish the river with just day membership. Barbless flies must be used and the fish must be treated with respect and returned to the water with minimal handling, preferably unhooked in the net and not removed from the water. Anglers may if they wish keep a stocked fish from the river using tokens in the normal manner but all wild brown trout must be returned. This new rule change will strictly apply to the river beats only, under no circumstances may anglers return fish in any of the lakes (except the carp lake at Weston) and anyone caught doing so will face disciplinary action. We will trial this rule change for the duration of the season and if successful will make it a permanent rule change.

Richard Algeo caught this superb brown trout at Weston fishery (see pic below).

A couple of really quality brown trout for Freddie Botha and James Evans this week.

Latest From Syon

Updated 14th June

Please like and follow our facebook page.  Keep your eye out for some great fishing pictures.  You can also find us on X (previously twitter), where we also post regular updates and photos.

Albury Estate Fisheries – Syon Park | Facebook

We’ve had some relatively good weather lately, some days being very warm.  Mornings and evenings are still the best times to come out.  We still have great water clarity.  

The fish have moved into the deeper water, with a lot of movement around the island. You definitely need to walk around and look for the fish.  The very far end within and just before the trees, fish are being caught and seen rising.  Small lime green caterpillars drop from the trees which the trout take, so a lime green buzzer or nymph would be ideal at this end of the lake.

There are a lot of fish, including some decent size fish, moving around the bridge.  In the late afternoon, they are taking insects from the top, so try a dry fly around the bridge and see what happens.  Have a look from the bridge before you start fishing.

Small natural flies are still your best bet.  PTN, Hares ears, and buzzers showing good results in the folder. 

Small natural flies such as PTN’s and Diawl Bach’s are proving to show best results at the moment, lures aren’t being as successful as natural flies.  Emergers or small wet flies are a good option.  

We are beginning to see Damsels and Demoiselle starting to buzz around the lake, so BFD’s are still worth a try.  We are also seeing May Fly here at Syon, which is absolutely great to see.  

The fish are high up in the water so floating lines are perfect at the moment.

David Lynch took 3 lovely quality Albury Estate brown trout and 1 Albury rainbow trout on a dry may fly.  Well done David.

Early mornings and evenings, we are having some great rises.  Some of our anglers are having some great surface action.  A lot of insect life around the lake on warmer days.  Lots of buzzer hatches, and we are also seeing Caddis fly and Alder fly hatches/emerging.  

Season membership for 24/25 season is now available online and is priced at £230, still great value, giving you unlimited access to fish here at Syon and at Albury season member lakes.  All incredible places to fish and relax!

Tokens are available now to purchase through our website.  If all members can purchase their tokens online please, as this will speed up the process when you arrive at the fishery, giving you more time to fish. Thanks

We will again extend day memberships for a while, until the weather gets really hot, then we will close to day members.  All day membership and tokens must be purchased online before you arrive at the fishery.

Albury Estate Fisheries – Syon Park | Facebook

Jason Reeves had this awesome trifecta here at Syon over the weekend. Rainbow, Sparctic, and a Brown trout.  Well done Jason!

Please could all members swipe their individual membership cards on the gate entry system when entering and exiting the fishery.  If another member is coming in or out of the gate when you arrive or exit the fishery, please can you still swipe your card upon entry/exit.  

If any member is at the entrance without a valid membership card, please call the bailiff.  The number is 07956 378 138.

Chris caught this stunning sparctic.

It is all about method and finding the depth of the fish at this time of year.  We aren’t seeing fish showing on the surface, so this indicates that they will be low/deep.

Jan has fished at Syon and had this lovely bag of Albury Estate rainbow trout.  

He regularly changed his depth until he found the fish.  This is his method and has paid off. 1 foot down 15 mins – nothing, 2 foot down 15 mins – nothing, 3 foot down, bingo! 3 feet down under an indicator using an Olive tungsten head scud. 

If indicators aren’t your thing, an intermediate line with a sinking/poly leader with tungsten head lures or nymphs will give you that depth without touching the bottom.  These poly leaders all sink at different rates, so read the description before you buy any.  

If you only have a floating line, make sure you still use a sinking/poly leader or attach a sink tip to your floating line and use a fluorocarbon leader with a weighted lure.  Sinking/poly leaders are readily available online. 

There is so much information online now.  Guys have tried full sinking lines with boobies but their fly comes back in with weed off of the bottom.  

Something we commonly see here is anglers stripping lures on a floating line with monofilament leader, often too short, which will not reach the depth of the fish, leaving anglers frustrated.  It’s about presentation of your fly within the water column. Rule of thumb the leader should be the length of your rod at least (9-10 foot).  Fluorocarbon line/leader sinks faster in the water than a monofilament line/leader.

Floating lines are great here at Syon in spring and summer months when we begin to have buzzer hatches, emergers and surface insects.  The fish begin rising and are higher in the water column.  

Change your method, move around and cover different areas of the lake.  This is the best advice.  Also, speak to our other members and their tactics if they are catching.  Speak to the bailiff regarding where the fish are or have been being caught.

The lake here at Syon is a vast expanse of water, and the fish have the ability to go deep.  The lake in the deeper water is 10-12 foot deep. Its about locating the fish and the method approached.

If you are after a nice breakfast before you start fishing, there is a restaurant on site in Hilliers Garden Centre that serves a good breakfast, other hot food, and hot and cold beverages.

We are trialling line disposal bins around the lake.  They are around the lake and one box at the hut.  We would like to ask our members kindly, to not fill these with general rubbish.  General rubbish can still be disposed of in the bin at the fishery hut. Thank you.

*** We would like to remind our members to purchase your day membership and tokens via our website before arriving at the fishery. *

Some improvements to the fishery entrance have now been completed.  We have removed the green exit button, so you will now need to use your membership card when both entering and exiting the fishery.    

Please continue to sign in and out of the fishery, and ensure that fish tokens are posted into the returns box.


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