Learn to Fly Fish:
Tuition at all levels

Fly Fishing Lessons, Guiding and Tuition

Our official partner We Fly Fish offers coaching for beginners and more advanced anglers.

We strongly recommend a 3 hour session with one of our experienced coaches. These educational sessions are available at both Albury and Syon Park on Weekdays and Weekends. 

Lessons at Albury


Lessons at Syon Park


Key Facts about the Albury Estate Fisheries Membership Options and Fish Tokens


We offer three levels of membership to cater for different requirements and needs.

  1. Day Membership. Pay per visit with access to Day Lakes.
  2. Season Membership. Pay once per season for unlimited visits to Day Lakes plus Powder Mills.
  3. Syndicate Membership. Access to all the Day and Season lakes plus the treasured Park Lake in the grounds of beautiful Albury Park.

Membership is not transferable.

Season runs April 1st – March 31st.

All members must hold Fish Tokens prior to fishing.

Fish Tokens

Each fish caught uses one Fish Token. To keep the fish fresh and the lakes healthy we do not operate catch and release.

If you catch a Fish it’s yours to enjoy.

Day Members purchase 2,3 or 4 tokens while Season Members purchase in blocks of 10 at reduced prices.

Used Tokens must be left in the catch box at each lake as you depart.

Albury and Syon Park

Trout Landed / Year
Liters of water
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